Hello everyone, Here's just a bit of an update!
Things are on and off hectic here. Some days I am a chicken without a head, others not so much. Usually I’m only super busy on the days that I go to multiple schools. Two Tuesdays a month I go to a JHS in the morning and an Elem. in the afternoon. Though, for those elementary schools I often have to come back at other times in the month to plan lessons. (Because they don’t know where they will be in the schedule by then.) Often my teachers at one school will be unable to meet and plan (or I need to go to another school for a meeting and have to leave early) and I’ll have to come back another day. Sometimes it is a pain, but it’s also nice to know that you will meet that teacher some time before class and don’t have to worry about anything until then.
Mondays I prep for my Tuesdays and Wednesday, Tues and Weds, I prep for Thursday Friday, and on Friday I prep for Monday. Usually I’m lucky and don’t have any work to take home or do on the weekends.
My teachers here are nice. The ones that previously have been distant are opening up. Today a teacher I was with let me introduce a new game to the class, and it went well.
One of the things I had overestimated about Japan before coming was my students English levels. It’s easy to forget that just because I learned something in Japanese, or students learn how to say something in another class doesn’t mean that all students will know it. I must say I underestimated the amount of mysteriously English proficient teachers, (other than the Home room or Japanese English teacher.) Every once and a while someone will speak English to me when I least expect it. I accidentally got caught staying for a meeting at one of my schools. When the vice-principal noticed I was still there she said I could go. Being not so sure, and asking “ Is it really OK?” the grounds keeper across from me said “ run! Run while you can!” I was flabber ghasted. Especially considering that my teacher that I teach English with, doesn’t speak any English outside of class.
Tomorrow I’m being interviewed by another English teacher infront of an assembly. She will be asking me about schools in Canada and volunteer work. The grade 9 kids will start their volunteer work soon and need some pepping up. I think some of the information that she wants me to say isn’t quite correct, especially not for such a diverse population. It’s hard to pigeon-hole qualities onto various regional Canadians. Either way, I hope it goes well.
I started ceramics on Sunday. Sadly, it’s only once every other Sunday. The style of building they use is different from what I learned at school. Instead of “scoring and slipping” (making crosshatches and getting it wet to apply one piece of clay to another to prevent air bubbles) They just mash on new pieces of clay to build it higher. It seems to work fine for them and the pieces come out whole, so perhaps I’ll just trust my teacher’s judgment. There is a bit of a language barrier, but my teacher speaks pretty good English and is encouraging others in the class to practice their English with me. On Sunday I made a big and a little bowl.
That's all for now!
All Canadians love bacon and hockey. It's as simple as that! :D